Each accepted paper needs at least one *Regular Registration. Otherwise, the paper cannot be included in ICCI 2025 conference proceedings. Please register and upload the evidence via provided system link. The receipt of the conference fee will be issued at the time of the conference and send via e-mail.
To be eligible for publication in IEEEXplore, an author of a paper is required to present his/her paper. IEEE reserves the right to exclude a paper from distribution after the conference (i.e. removal from IEEE Xplore), if the paper is not presented at the conference.
Member of IEEE/ECTI must declare a valid membership status (such as, a copy of member card or other membership evidence upon registration).
The acceptance of the final submission will be acknowledged via email to the designated corresponding author.
The Accepted (Registered & Presented) full papers will be published by IEEE and will be submitted to
IEEE Xplore for including in to Scopus.
Registration fee can be paid in cash at the conference venue.